Basic Relationship Truths


Relationships are vital and complex.

Because of the interplay of each other’s pasts, passions, pet peeves, and personalities, staying joyfully connected can be trickier than ever imagined. At first, the deeply felt sensation of chemical romance sweeps us off our feet, and we blindly trust the overpowering emotional sense of bliss. Then, at least eventually, conflict enters the interpersonal space. Little things often add up that eventually become unbearable and cause disconnections to erupt.

When this happens too often, our impulse is to revert to old habits, over-learned defenses, and sharply honed self-protective tactics. This is when we begin thinking such thoughts as “What have I gotten myself into?“ and “Are relationships worth it?”

The ability to “turn conflict into connection” requires understanding three fundamental relationship truths. When acknowledged and practiced, conflict allows the relationship to grow stronger. The primary relationship truths are:

Without connection, communication fails.

Without communication, relationships fail.

Without relationships, personal growth fails.

Think about the dynamic interplay of these fundamental truths. Experienced personal growth requires a willingness and capacity to build and sustain connections. This is why relationship intelligence (r.IQ) was created. Put in a nutshell, relationship intelligence is defined as:

Our ability to learn and understand how people are connected to, behave toward, and interact with each other.

When relationship intelligence fills the interpersonal space, transformations happen. Let me show you what this looks like.

With connection, communication is successful.

With effective communication, relationships succeed.

With flourishing relationships, personal growth succeeds.

From a more personal perspective, relationship intelligence involves our ability to learn and understand the lessons that conflict has been trying to teach us. Learning these life lessons helps us turn in the direction of getting what we need, want, desire, and deserve.

Pressing the button below will take you to the Relationship Intelligence Center website. Once you land, you will discover how to become more relationally intelligent and learn how to “turn conflict into connection.”

Press the button below to learn more about how your mind works as described in Dr. Zierk’s book, Mind Rules: Who’s in Control, You or Your Mind?