Why become relationally intelligent?


Intimacy is the prize!

The short answer is that as your Relationship Intelligence increases, life becomes more accessible and more satisfying. That is, as you become more relationally competent - learning how people are connected to, behave toward, and interact with each other - it becomes more common that your life goes according to plan and your needs get met. How satisfying, right?

As you become savvy about how relationships work, your needs are more commonly met, you improve your ability to satisfy the needs of others, and the experience of being connected becomes more intentional than accidental. Being connected is desirable because it is only then that you experience something extraordinary—you feel safe, supported, and validated—quite the trifecta.

Once these three facets of connection are routinely satisfied, the real magic begins, and your relationship moves to a higher level. It becomes the source from which you improve your sense of mastery and resilience, accomplished by thoughtfully practicing insight and empathy.

Intimacy is the prize that Relationship Intelligence (r.IQ) helps you earn!

Press the button below to learn more about how your mind works as described in Dr. Zierk’s book, Mind Rules: Who’s in Control, You or Your Mind?